Congratulations to TeamSG Paddlers- Izaac Quek, Ser Linqian and Zhou Jingyi, for making Singapore proud at the 2019 ITTF World Cadet Challenge, 26 to 31 October

Go Team Singapore!!

Izaac Quek(Hopes)
Mixed Doubles – 1st Position 混双冠军
Boys’ Team – 2nd Position男团亚军
Boys’ Doubles – 2nd Position男双亚军
Boys’ Singles – 9th Position 单打第九名

Ser Linqian(Hopes)
Girls’ Team- 2nd Position女团亚军
Girls’ Doubles- Top 16 双打前十六
Mixed Doubles- Top 8 混双前八
Girls’ Singles- Top 10单打第十名

Zhou Jingyi(Asia)
Girls’ Team – Third Position团体第三
Girls’ Doubles – Top 8 双打前八
Mixed Doubles – Top 8混双前八
Girls’Singles – 9th Position单打第九名

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