Resumption of STTA Training


We are pleased to inform you that STTA will gradually resume its training programmes starting from 22 June 2020. 

The STTA training programmes will adhere strictly to the advisory from Sport Singapore on the resumption of sport and physical exercise & activity for Phase Two (Safe Transition).   For more details, please refer to

The STTA will limit 5 athletes per group activity and changes will be made to the Zone Training Centre/ Junior Development Squad/ Youth Training Squad/ Intermediate Squad training schedule.  The respective coaches will inform their athletes on the revised training schedule.  The STTA believes the athletes will continue to benefit from the small group training.  

Meanwhile, the health and safety of our athletes and employees remain STTA’s top priority.

The following precautionary measures have been put in place when the training resumes: 

  • A dedicated entry/exit point to the STTA Toa Payoh venue
  • Implementation of Safe Entry at STTA Toa Payoh venue, and the use of TraceTogether app to facilitate contact tracing 
  • STTA Toa Payoh Venue:   capacity of 50 pax at any one time
  • Participants limited to no more than 5 per group (excluding coach) during training
  • During training:  physical distancing of 2 metres between athletes will be maintained in general. A physical distancing of 3 metres between groups will also be observed.
  • Daily temperature screening 
  • Regular cleaning and sanitising of the training venues 
  • Hand hygiene (hand sanitisers) will be available during pre, post and during training 
  • No socialisation beyond activities.
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